Monday, January 24, 2011

I have failed...cover blown...

I admit it, I was a spy. I have been since the day I was born. Its a family business, so to speak. I've had many assignments, slept in many strange beds, exposed many villains. Its been a glorious life. Yes, I led a glamorous life. But the glamor didn't come without many, many dangers.

We all know the dangers. The possibility is with us every turn of the way. When we wake up, when we scratch our heads, when we eat. We are trained to resist pain. Our skin is thick. We are survivors. This is the story of my survival.

I'd been living with Christopher since 29 June 2010. I was sent to investigate him as a potential terrorist. He has relatives in foreign countries, you see. Estranged he claims. The bureau thought I was the best agent for the job.

On the exterior, Christopher seemed like a normal modern American servant. He provided excellent food in adequate China. He scratched me, brushed me, fed me the treats that I liked. I have heard rumors of him serving food to a previously owned dog in Apilco dinnerware from France. I don't know why he didn't extend the same service to me. But, all in all, normal. Or so it seemed.

I'd been observing his preparations for his foreign travels carefully. He is leaving Saturday to Mexico. If my hunch is correct, he will be plotting some world take over with his relatives. A beach vacation, indeed!

And now, just before his departure, I must have let something leak! A fool am I! He captured me, first by luring me with the brush, making me think something nice was going to happen. HA! He threw me into a pool of ICE COLD water and laughed! Yes, comrades, LAUGHED!  He kept pouring water on me and beating me with his fists insisting that I tell my secrets! I DID NOT BREAK! I was brave, comrades, VERY brave. I managed to escape, but not before he tried to smash me with a large cloth! I revealed nothing, NOTHING! Except one thing. He knows now. My cover is blown.

I am retiring from the service. I'm lucky to be alive. Although, I wish I had died, as I have failed you, my comrades. I can no longer live with honor. I'm retiring to a secluded life in a secret location.

I must go now. Danger still lurks around every corner!

Remember me, but, ah, forget my fate.



  1. Ah, Calypso... ever the drama queen. Dido and Aeneas, indeed. Get over it, girlfriend. It could be worse. He could be feeding you generic cat food from WalMart.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
